Einbruchschutz | vereine::de setzt auf Einbruchfrühwarnsystem FR.ED
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Burglary protection

Bedrohungslagen vermeiden

When it comes to building and room security, we rely on innovative and sustainable burglary security with Plug & Play burglary early detection and warning systems.

Einbruch mit Früherkennung vermeiden.

Avoid threatening situations

AlsoClub rooms or homes are potential targets for break-ins and theft. In this respect, it is also important here to counter the threat situations sustainably, i.e. equally effectively and efficiently, with innovative security technology.


Burglary security in closed buildings is becoming increasingly important given the increase in break-ins, robberies, theft, vandalism, etc.

The question is how burglary protection can be achieved with even more innovation and sustainability, even more burglary protection with minimal effort and maximum reliability.


Sustainable in that the installation of infrasound technology the size of a shoebox eliminates any manual work involving cable laying, assembly, dirt and dust and the system is mobile to a certain extent and can be easily taken with you and set up without dismantling even when moving.

If the sound resonance within a closed building or room changes due to the slightest manipulation of windows or doors, the infrasound caused by the attempted break-in is detected or measured and received in the sense of a  Early detection alarm triggered by siren or smartphone.

Early burglary warning system

Burglary protection for clubs

Zur Vermeidung von Einbrüchen, verbunden mit Diebstahl und Verwüstung, schlimmsten Falls mit Überfall, Verletzungen oder Mord und Todschlag zählt Prävention und Früherkennung mit innovativster Technologie zu den wichtigsten Maßnahmen.

Die Experten von vereine::de halten diese Technologie als Einbruchfrüherwarnsystem für obligatorisch. Insofern hat vereine::de das Thema Einbruchschutz in seinem Forum mit aufgenommmen.


Dass man auch mal sorglos in Urlaub fahren kann.


Plug & Play

Keiner soll den Hahn im Korb kaufen. Unsere Experten kommen vorbei, checken die Lage und brechen bei Dir ein, bzw. zeigen Dir , wie bei Dir ein Einbruch durch Früherkennung verhindert werden kann.


FR.ED (fred) machts möglich, mit wenig Einsatz optimalen Schutz zu erreichen. 

Plug & Play early detection system

Imagine leaving your clubhouse or any other room or building and having an uneasy feeling like 'nothing's going to happen'. Then this is negligence that does not remain without consequences. In this respect, the topic of burglary protection is also a club-relevant topic for the community.

Position  Here the topic of early burglary detection is up for discussion
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