Fundraising | Die Seele des Spendenwesens, Sponsorings und Crowdfundings
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What can be regulated with commitment

Fundraising and volunteering are two important pillars of civil society.


They enable non-profit organizations and social projects to achieve their goals and make a positive contribution to society.

Fundraising is the acquisition of funds for non-profit organizations and social projects. This includes donations, sponsorships, fundraising events and other activities. Fundraising is important to secure funding for projects and programs and to enable the work of non-profit organizations.

Volunteering is the unpaid work of people for non-profit organizations and social projects. This includes activities such as helping in kindergartens, nursing homes or hospitals, working in clubs and associations, volunteer work in politics or environmental work. Volunteering is important to support non-profit organizations and social projects and to carry out their work.

Together, fundraising and volunteering complement each other perfectly. Fundraising secures the financing of projects and programs, while voluntary commitment makes the work of non-profit organizations and social projects possible. Both are important for a livingCivil societyand to make a positive contribution to society.

In short, fundraising and volunteering are two sides of the same coin. Without both, a functioning civil society would not be possible.

Spenden & Sponsoring


Image by Clark Tibbs


Fundraising und Engagement sind zwei Seiten derselben Medaille.


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