Bürgerversicherung | vereine:de für mehr Gerechtigkeit
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Citizens Insurance

for more justice

Insofar as the gap between rich and poor, especially between non-performance and performance-oriented income, is increasing, our attention is focused on the weaker members of society.

With its model, citizen insurance aims to convert the existing dual system with statutory health insurance (GKV) and private health insurance (PKV) to a uniform health insurance system for all citizens, for more justice.

Here it is particularly important for politicians to keep their election promises and remind their lobbyists of their mission to represent socially liberal politics. 

The voter has the power

One strategy is to create community with the labelclubs::deto strengthen from the ground up. We open up opportunities for people to show commitment and advocate for change and transformation. MIit Change creates the basis for incentives to participate in the world of work.

Citizens' insurance aims to achieve greater justice, with an emphasis on social awareness and collective action.


We challenge the idea of whether things should stay the way they have always been – or do we embrace positive change.

Politicians are still concerned with the effects of citizens' insurance on employment in statutory and private health insurance. In this respect, a coherent transformation concept is still a long time coming.

It's about the jobs of employees at private health insurance companies (PKV) and those of insurance intermediaries, who are in question because of citizens' insurance. So citizens continue to finance employees in the insurance industry with their contributions. One fear is, among other things, the retraining effort required to qualify PKV employees for GKV. 

In addition to the unpleasant job effects, the uncertainty regarding the complex citizens' insurance concepts is raised, which means that as long as citizens' insurance, combined with daring labor market forecasts, is not decisive for the election, there will be no uniform insurance system.

Bürgerversicherung diskutieren

Was bietet sich hier besser an, als eine Plattform für die Zivilgesellschaft wie vereine::de, um Bürgerversicherung zu diskutieren.  Insofern das Thema erstmal auf Eis liegt, es sich doch lohnt, es hier weiterhin warm zu halten. 

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