Social-Media-Richtlinien | Anleitung für Konten, Profile, Gruppen und Foren
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Please help us keep the quality of our community at a high level. Therefore, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The use of the forum and the groups, including the creation of a vereine::de community group, is only possible for registered users.

  2. A group can be created as a public or private group.

  3. You are not permitted to post or share discriminatory, offensive, obscene or otherwise inappropriate content in any forum or group.

  4. Forums and groups may only be used for association-relevant, informational and socio-political purposes as well as in an informal way to recruit members and, to a limited extent, for commercial purposes (no advertising).​

    1. ​Although a forum or group may be used for commercial activities, it should not be used for purely advertising purposes or other inappropriate activities (spamming).

    2. A forum or group post and inserted cover images may not contain any personal data, unless the consent of the person concerned has been given and except for public figures if it concerns the public interest.

    3. Any liability for the content and activities of a group lies with the owners or authorized persons who created a forum or group. They should ensure that participation in the group complies with applicable laws and guidelines and does not involve any legal or financial risks.

  5. The titles of the forums and the naming of a group must be factual and appropriate.



Erfolgreiche Online-Community-Teilnahme erfordert Richtlinienakzeptanz, respektvollen Umgang, Bildrechtsbewusstsein, kreative Namensgebung ohne Monopolisierung, Förderung von Diversität und Zugang. Organisationen profitieren von Sichtbarkeit und Nutzer von qualitativ hochwertigen Informationen.


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