Vereinsgründung | vereine::de - zweck- und satzungsgemäß
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Image by Ian Schneider


The statutes of a club or association are regulations with the purpose, name and headquarters as well as other provisions, regulations, guidelines, guidelines,  Instructions, guidelines, rules, codes of conduct, rights and obligations for the fulfillment and implementation of the purposes and goals defined in compliance with formal and legal requirements, which come into force with the signature of at least two founding members.

With at least seven members, a club or association can, after examination by the regional courts, be entered in the register of associations as an e.V. as a legal person in the sense of a bearer of rights and obligations in order to have the status of a corporation under private law or as an association of persons under private law, combined withLegal capacityto get.


However, unincorporated or unregistered associations do not constitute a legal entity and cannot participate in legal and economic life. No club assets can be created. A board of directors therefore enters into obligations under the law of obligations, but in this respect  Insurance coverage is mandatory because...

“The regulations on society apply to associations that do not have legal capacity. The person acting is personally liable for a legal transaction carried out in the name of such an association towards a third party; If several people act, they are liable as joint and several debtors.” §54 BGB 


Damage to third parties is the responsibility of the association's liability. In the event of injuries, your own health insurance company or health insurance company and your own private accident insurance will always pay.


However, an unincorporated association can also apply for non-profit status, insofar as non-profit status also means that all those working on “order” are legally insured and enjoy insurance protection from the administrative professional association (VBG).

If you want to find out more about this, ask the experts.


Image by Clark Tibbs


The statutes are the basic law of an association. It regulates the most important aspects of club life, such as the bodies, the members, the finances and, above all, the purposes.

In accordance with the purpose and statutes

Der Vereinszweck ist maßgeblich bei der Ausarbeitung einer Satzung für eine Vereinsgründung.

... was bedeutet, dass etwas im Einklang mit dem Zweck und der Satzung eines Vereins geschieht, denn der Zweck eines Vereins ist seine Zielsetzung, die in der Satzung festgelegt ist. Er beschreibt, wofür der Verein gegründet wurde und was er erreichen möchte.

Hierzu zählen gleichermaßen steuerbegünstigte, also gemeinnützige, mildtätige oder kirchliche Zwecke (Gemeinnützigkeit) und nicht gemeinnützige Zwecke.


Es obliegt dem jeweiligen Finanzamt, die Gemeinnützigkeit festzustellen, ebenso auch Ausstellung von Zuwendungs-bestätigungen (Spendenquittungen) zu ermöglichen. Die Zweckverfolgung muss selbstlos sein.


(1) A corporation pursues charitable purposes if its activities are aimed at selflessly promoting the general public in material, intellectual or moral areas. ...

(2) Under the conditions of paragraph 1, the following shall be recognized as promoting the general public:

Förderung der Allgemeinheit sowie des Gemeinwohls

The promotion of civic engagement alone is unlikely to be recognized as an independent charitable purpose unless it is justified by a specific purpose.

Club purposes are usually limited to onenoteconomic operation and aim to promote the general public and the common good with countless specifications from all directions of basic democratic values.


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